Presentation: A 6 week old intact female puppy was presented to AcaseAweek Clinic for vomiting, bloody diarrhea and anorexia for last two days.
Physical Exam:
- Quiet Alert and Responsive.
- Membranes were jaundiced.
- Otherwise Physical Exam was unremarkable.
- HCT 17.8% (37-55)
- HGB 6.5 g/dl (12-18)
- MCHC 36.5 g/dl (30-36.9)
- WBC 2.4 x109/L (6.0-16.9)
- Gran 1.8 x109/L (3.3-12)
- PLTs 48 x109 /L (175-500)
- ALKP 841 U/L (46-337)
- ALT 10 U/L (8-75)
- BUN 102 mg/dl (7-29)
- Crea 2.6 mg/dl (0.3-1.2)
- Glu 365 mg/dl (77-150)
- TP 4.7g/dl (4.8-7.2)
What is your tentative diagnosis?
What are the differentials for this case?
What diagnostic tests will you perform to confirm your diagnosis?
How will you treat and manage this case?