A Case A Week for Veterinarians
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Monday, September 13, 2010
Case 19

A 4.5 year old neutered male large breed mix canine was presented to AcaseAweek Clinic with sudden onset of acute hind limbs weakness for 2 days. The patient is both indoor and outdoor and is current on all the vaccinations, deworming and heart worm prevention.

Physical Exam:

T= 101.9 oF
Weight= 37.8kg
MM=moist and pink
CRT=<2 sec

Neurological: Mild pain on palpation of spine in thoraco-lumber area.

No other abnormalities noted at this time on P/E.

CBC and Biochemistry: All values within normal limits.

4Dx snap test: Negative.

Radiographs: Pelvic radiograph on this patient was normal. Lateral and VD view of thoraco-lumber area were taken and are as shown below (Click on the images to enlarge):

What are your radiographic findings?
What is your tentative and differential diagnosis?
What further diagnostic tests you will perform?
What will be your treatment plan?

Solution to this case
posted by Dr Banga's Websites @ 12:00 AM  
  • At September 14, 2010 at 12:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Radiographic findings: Intervertebral space between T13/L1/L2/L3/L4 is showing evidence of spondilosis and spur formations
    Tentative diagnosis: Intervertebral disc disease
    DDx: Discospondilytis, Trauma to spinal cord,
    Further diagnostic test: MRI
    Treatment: Cage rest, Prednisolone, Hydromorphine, Carprofen
    long term Management: Surgical decompression
    Prognsis: Since deep pain perception is still there, so prognosis is good

  • At September 16, 2010 at 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Besides the above said, Radiograph also reveals Kidney calculi, Enlarged kidney, Cloudiness in peritoneum

    further tests required= cytology of peritoneal fluid, IV Pyelography/Urography

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