A Case A Week for Veterinarians
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Monday, October 11, 2010
Case 23
A 13 year old, female spayed, mixed breed dog was presented to AcaseAweek Clinic with history of collapse, depression, lethargy and vomiting 3 times the night before presentation. The patient had been anorexic for the past 2 days and appeared healthy previously. The patient lives mostly inside and her owner reported no possibility of accidental ingestion of foreign body or chemicals. Her vaccination status is current and she is on heartworm preventative. She was treated for Ehrlichiosis with doxycycline two months back.

Physical Exam:
Remarkable weight loss and muscle atrophy.
T: 98
P: 88
R: 44
MM: pale pink
CRT> 2 sec

Cardiovascular: murmur, cardiac arrhythmia, pulse deficit.
Respiratory: lungs sound clear
Abdomen: distended, positive succession, moderately painful

PCV: 23% [37-55]
WBC: 28.9 x103/μL [6-16.9]
Mature Neutrophils: 26.3 x103/μL [3.3-12]
Band Neutrophils: 0.6 x103/μL
Lymphocytes: 0.3 x103/μL
NRBC: 0.9 x103/μL
Smear: Platelets: 1-4/hpf
RBC morph: marked polychromasia, moderate anisocytosis

ALKP: 267 U/L [23-212]
ALT: 164 U/L [10-100]
AMYL: 2490 U/L [500-1500]
BUN: 130 mg/dL [7-27]
CREA: 6.1 mg/dL [0.5-1.8]
PHOS: >16.1 mg/dL [2.5-6.8]
TBIL: 1.4 mg/dL [0-0.9]

Bilirubin: ++
SG: 1.013
Blood: +++
pH: 5.0
Protein: +

Abdominocentesis:10 mL fluid was withdrawn.
Abdominal Fluid Analysis/Cytology:
Color: red
Turbidity: 3+
Protein: 7.2 g/dL
PCV: 23%
Smear: many RBCs, neutrophils and macrophages, moderate lymphocytes, almost no platelets seen, few reactive mesothelial cells.

What will be your tentative and differential diagnosis?
What further diagnostic test(s) you will perform to confirm your diagnosis?
What will be your treatment plan(s)?

posted by Dr Banga's Websites @ 12:00 AM  
  • At October 15, 2010 at 12:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Liver enzyme and total bilirubin are increased which supports the clincial picture of vomiting dog. Considering the blood and protein and lack of concentrated urine on the face of dehydration azotemia could be renal.
    High cellularity and increased protein in the abdominocentesis fluid suggests active process in the abdomen.
    Diffrential diagnosis:
    congestive heart failure

    Needs chest & abdominal radiographs and abd USG.

    Warm saline + KCL, keep the patient warm, nil by mouth
    antiemetic - Ondancetran
    watch heart sounds closely during fluid therapy

  • At March 4, 2014 at 1:46 PM, Blogger Dr Mack said…

    Top Differential: hemangiosarcoma (or any splenic mass w/rupture)
    -Rodenticide toxicity
    -Infectious (rickettsial, babesia, hepatozoon, lepto etc.)
    - Acute/Chronic renal failure
    -Congestive heart failure
    -Gi obst (foreign body, intuss, mass etc)
    -Less likely (gastric ulcers and Gi parasites)

    Further tests:
    And US + eco + and and thoracic radiographs
    -Blood smear

    other tests:
    -Coag panel (Pt PTT) + autoagglutination
    -snap cPL
    -Bile acids
    -Tick panel (serology rull ou tick borne dz)
    -Lepto serology
    -Liver FNA/biopsy
    -Exploratory laparotomy

    Fluids: LRS and or hetastarch, transfusion PRN (PCV< 15 %). Cerenia or famotidine. Sucralfate + bland diet.
    -If splenic hemangiosarcoma or mass (splectomy is recommended.

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